Let Us Manage Your Multi-Family Rentals

a blue and grey apartment with dark wood decor accents

Managing a multi-family rental property comes with a unique set of challenges. Addressing diverse tenant needs, coordinating maintenance across multiple units, and ensuring fair and consistent management can be complex. Additionally, overseeing tasks such as rent collection, lease enforcement, and communication with multiple tenants requires a lot of time and energy.

At Rent in Ottawa Property Management, we want you to enjoy all the benefits of owning rental properties, without the hassle! That’s why we’re ready to take over all the day-to-day responsibilities of your multi-family property. We offer a wide array of services to ensure that every aspect of your multi-family units is taken care of. With us by your side, you can always rest assured that your investments are in good hands. 

With several decades of experience, our team knows exactly what it takes for rental properties to thrive in Ottawa. We specialize in managing a wide range of properties including condos, apartment buildings, and multi-family dwellings. Our team is prepared to help you with anything from maintenance and rent collection to marketing and financial reporting.

With our tailored services and extensive knowledge of the Ottawa real estate market, you can rest assured that your rental property will be in good hands. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

a property manager sitting at their desk working on their computer

Our Multi-Family Management Services

Managing a multi-family building requires a lot of time and attention. This often means being on call 24/7. So, why not let us take on the responsibility for you?

At Rent in Ottawa, we offer personalized management services to meet each one of your property’s unique needs. Whether you need us to advertise your rental, handle maintenance and repairs, or collect rent, we’ve got you covered! Here are some of the multi-family management services investors can benefit from:

Marketing Your Rental Property

With hundreds of units listed for rent daily, it can be hard to fill the vacancies of your multi-family property. Moreover, the work associated with marketing several rental units can be stressful and time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be!

Our team can help you at every step of the way. We’ll start by helping you get your rental units ready for tenants. Then, we’ll create a compelling listing and advertise it across multiple venues, such as real estate websites, social media, and our company websites. We’ll also utilize traditional marketing strategies, such as signage and property showings to help you attract a wider pool of prospective tenants.

Tenant Screening Process

Screening prospective tenants can be an incredibly time-consuming process. It can be even more difficult if you’re screening tenants for two or more rental units at once. Not only will you have to deal with piles of paperwork, but you’ll also run the risk of misplacing important documents or overlooking suitable tenants. 

person in a white sweater shaking hands with someone across a desk

At Rent in Ottawa, we know how stressful the tenant screening process can be. That’s why we want to help you with it! When you partner with us, our team will process all applications for your rental. We’ll carefully screen each applicant, checking their credit, background, and rental history, to ensure only the best quality tenants occupy your rental.

Rent Collection

The rent collection process can be incredibly hectic when you own a multi-family unit. Between sending reminders, tracking payments, and contacting tenants who are late with the rent, you’ll find yourself with little to no time left for other endeavours.

At Rent in Ottawa, we actively work to ensure you get your money on time, every single time. To do so, we send tenants reminders and contact tenants who default on a payment. So, you won’t have to worry about chasing tenants for payments anymore as well handle everything on your behalf.

Property Repairs & Maintenance

Keeping a rental property with several units in good condition is no easy task. Multi-family homes and apartment complexes typically require more maintenance than single-family homes. Moreover, coordinating maintenance with several tenants at once can be overwhelming. Luckily, the team at Rent in Ottawa can help you.

person wearing a green glove using a power drill

Our full-time maintenance staff will take over all day-to-day maintenance tasks for your rental, from cleaning common areas to conducting regular property inspections. We’ll also be available 24/7 in case any emergency requests may arise. With us by your side, you can rest easy knowing that your investment will always be properly cared for.

Detailed Financial Reporting

Owning a multi-family rental property comes with many perks, such as a higher rental income. Unfortunately, it also comes with more work, including dealing with a ton of paperwork. 

When you partner with Rent in Ottawa, you don’t have to worry about pesky administrative tasks such as accounting or bookkeeping! Our team will track all of your income and expenses and send you a detailed report at the end of the month. With our comprehensive accounting breakdown, you’ll always know how your investment is performing.

Why Work with Us?

At Rent in Ottawa, we pride ourselves on offering ​​first-class multi-family management services. We know that managing rental properties can be extremely challenging. But we want to see your investments thrive. That’s why we’re ready to take over all the day-to-day responsibilities. 

When you partner with us, you can rest easy knowing that your investments will be in good hands. Moreover, you have the peace of mind of knowing your tenants will be happy with our management. After all, the key to a thriving rental investment is to form positive relationships between property owners and tenants.  

At Rent In Ottawa Property Management, we work with landlords and investors across the following areas: OttawaGloucesterKanataNepeanCumberlandGoulbournOsgoode, Rideau, West CarletonCarleton CountyStittsvilleBarrhaven, and Orleans. If you own a multi-family rental in any of these areas, contact us today to learn how we can help you!