If you need reliable, resilient, and thoroughly future-facing property management services, you can count on the Rent in Ottawa Property Management team to achieve the best possible results, the most efficient level of tenant retention, and complete satisfaction for all parties involved. We make it a point to deliver the most professional, attentive, and detail-focused services to property owners and, by extension, their tenants. This includes a respectful and flexible approach when it comes to rental payments by tenants.

At Rent in Ottawa Property Management, we are proud of our residential property rental and management services because they help owners and tenants better coexist. Our success to date has been facilitated, in part, to the emphasis placed on tenant screening to ensure only the most suitable candidates for your investment property walk through the door.

How does the Rent Guarantee program work?

If a tenant defaults on monthly rent payment, the Rent Guarantee program goes into effect immediately. We ensure that you will always receive your share of monthly rent payments for up to 11 months or until the situation is corrected – whichever comes first. In addition, we also pay for eviction-associated costs if the situation is not resolved through mediation, helping to save you money and peace of mind. To top it all off, we will also find you a replacement tenant free of charge. Simply put, the Rent Guarantee program is our way of enhancing our attentive and future-facing property management services even further, giving you greater cost-effectiveness through proactive strategy and professional mediation when issues arise with rent. It is important to consider that not every tenant will always be able to pay rent – life happens, and there is no way to get around that. However, with Rent in Ottawa's Rent Guarantee program, you needn't worry any longer. We've got you covered. The Rent Guarantee program is available for qualified properties and where Rent in Ottawa Property Management Inc. has placed your tenants.

Rent in Ottawa's Rent Guarantee program works with property owners, not against them, to produce the most suitable and desirable result in any rent-associated situation. Tenants needn't worry either, for our team is compassionate and operates on a philosophy that includes fair treatment and avoiding extreme measures whenever possible to mitigate a problem. If you operate a property with tenants placed by us and they seem to have trouble paying their way, this program is an ideal and proactive way to identify and address any situation that threatens your peace of mind and budgetary planning. With the constant availability of Rent in Ottawa Property Managers, we can help answer any and all questions you may have about this extension of our services.

Life happens. We know how to work around it.

We understand that Property Management involves the personal lives of tenants and unfortunate events can happen, which may inadvertently affect a tenant's ability to make rental payments – even when everything possible has been done to mitigate the risks. People's physical and mental wellness is never guaranteed, and the same principle applies to relationship statuses, economic conditions, and employment. We also understand that for some property owners, the non-payment of rent may have a significant financial impact on their ability to meet financial commitments such as mortgage payments, property taxes, condo fees, utilities, and other expenses. When rental payments are missed and eviction bills start piling up, it's time to turn to a professional, streamlined, and attentive solution that can actually help save you money and stress.

To many property owners, sleeping well at night to means having the peace of mind in knowing that your rent will always be received on time – even if the tenant doesn't pay. Rent in Ottawa Property Management can step in and ensure you are financially and operationally safeguarded in this way. Additionally, we handle eviction-associated expenses to make it easier to keep track of finances and balance the books. This is all part of our Rent Guarantee program, designed to complement your subscription to our residential property rental and management services.

Go ahead and contact Rent in Ottawa Property Management today for your free, no-obligation consultation – we look forward to helping you. Our friendly and personable team can be reached at (613) 612-7368.